Mar 11 - Round 3 - Week 6

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Thorne vs Mann

Game 2 ($40) = O'Bright vs Marshall

Game 3 ($30) = Madden vs Hawco

Game 4 ($20) = Mantha vs Chenier

Game 5 ($15) = Goold vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Rajala vs Daly

Game 2 ($40) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Lewis

Game 3 ($30) = Sutherland vs Michaud

Game 4 ($20) = Van Dine vs Blad

Game 5 ($15) = Bugg vs Gardner


Mar 4 - Round 3 - Week 5

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Rajala vs Michaud

Game 2 ($40) = Van Dine vs Daly

Game 3 ($30) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Blad

Game 4 ($20) = Bugg vs Lewis

Game 5 ($15) = Sutherland vs Gardner


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Thorne vs Hawco

Game 2 ($40) = Mann vs Mantha

Game 3 ($30) = O'Bright vs Chenier

Game 4 ($20) = Marshall vs Goold

Game 5 ($15) = Madden vs Lewis-Beavis


Feb 25 - Round 3 - Week 4

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Thorne vs Chenier

Game 2 ($40) = Marshall vs Hawco

Game 3 ($30) = Goold vs Mann

Game 4 ($20) = Madden vs Mantha

Game 5 ($15) = O'Bright vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Blad vs Rajala

Game 2 ($40) = Michaud vs Bugg

Game 3 ($30) = Van Dine vs Lewis

Game 4 ($20) = Sutherland vs Daly

Game 5 ($15) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Gardner


Feb 18 - Round 3 - Week 3

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lewis vs Blad

Game 2 ($15) = Rajala vs Sutherland

Game 3 ($15) = Michaud vs Daly

Game 4 ($15) = Bugg vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 5 ($15) = Van Dine vs Gardner


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Mann vs Thorne

Game 2 ($15) = Madden vs Chenier

Game 3 ($15) = Marshall vs Mantha

Game 4 ($15) = O'Bright vs Hawco

Game 5 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Goold


Feb 11 - Round 3 - Week 2

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Mann vs Mantha

Game 2 ($15) = Thorne vs O'Bright

Game 3 ($15) = Hawco vs Madden

Game 4 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Chenier

Game 5 ($15) = Goold vs Marshall


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lewis vs Daly

Game 2 ($15) = Blad vs Bugg

Game 3 ($15) = Rajala vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 4 ($15) = Van Dine vs Sutherland

Game 5 ($15) = Michaud vs Gardner


Welcome to Round 3 for the Tuesday Night Cash League.  We have 20 teams split into two divisions with draw times of 5pm and 7pm. We will use the ladder format with all wins in weeks 1, 2, and 3 worth $15, and for weeks 4-8, wins in Games 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will be worth $50, $40, $30, $20 and $15 respectively.


Feb 4 - Round 3 - Week 1

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lewis vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 2 ($15) = Van Dine vs Daly

Game 3 ($15) = Blad vs Sutherland

Game 4 ($15) = Bugg vs Michaud

Game 5 ($15) = Rajala vs Gardner


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Madden vs Mann

Game 2 ($15) = Mantha vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 3 ($15) = Thorne vs Chenier

Game 4 ($15) = O'Bright vs Goold

Game 5 ($15) = Marshall vs Hawco


Jan 28 - Round 2 - Week 8

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Sutherland vs O'Bright

Game 2 ($40) = Hawco vs Chenier

Game 3 ($30) = Mann vs Gardner

Game 4 ($20) = Mantha vs Goold

Game 5 ($15) = Madden vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Rajala vs Daly

Game 2 ($40) = Michaud vs Lewis

Game 3 ($30) = Bugg vs Blad

Game 4 ($20) = Van Dine vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 5 ($15) = Thorne vs Marshall


Jan 21 - Round 2 - Week 7

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Rajala vs Blad

Game 2 ($40) = Van Dine vs Daly

Game 3 ($30) = Michaud vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 4 ($20) = Thorne vs Lewis

Game 5 ($15) = Bugg vs Marshall


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Sutherland vs Gardner

Game 2 ($40) = Mantha vs O'Bright

Game 3 ($30) = Hawco vs Goold

Game 4 ($20) = Madden vs Chenier

Game 5 ($15) = Mann vs Lewis-Beavis


Jan 14 - Round 2 - Week 6

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Goold vs Sutherland

Game 2 ($40) = Gardner vs Madden

Game 3 ($30) = Chenier vs Mantha

Game 4 ($20) = O'Bright vs Mann

Game 5 ($15) = Hawco vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Rajala vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 2 ($40) = Blad vs Thorne

Game 3 ($30) = Van Dine vs Lewis

Game 4 ($20) = Daly vs Bugg

Game 5 ($15) = Michaud vs Marshall


Jan 7 - Round 2 - Week 5

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lewis vs Rajala

Game 2 ($40) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Daly

Game 3 ($30) = Blad vs Bugg

Game 4 ($20) = Michaud vs Thorne

Game 5 ($15) = Van Dine vs Marshall


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Goold vs Mantha

Game 2 ($40) = O'Bright vs Sutherland

Game 3 ($30) = Gardner vs Mann

Game 4 ($20) = Hawco vs Madden

Game 5 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Chenier


Dec 17 - Round 2 - Week 4

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Mann vs Goold

Game 2 ($40) = Hawco vs Mantha

Game 3 ($30) = Madden vs O'Bright

Game 4 ($20) = Sutherland vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 5 ($15) = Gardner vs Chenier


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Bugg vs Lewis

Game 2 ($40) = Michaud vs Rajala

Game 3 ($30) = Thorne vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 4 ($20) = Daly vs Van Dine

Game 5 ($15) = Marshall vs Blad


Dec 10 - Round 2 - Week 3

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Bugg

Game 2 ($15) = Daly vs Lewis

Game 3 ($15) = Michaud vs Van Dine

Game 4 ($15) = Rajala vs Marshall

Game 5 ($15) = Thorne vs Blad


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Mann vs O'Bright

Game 2 ($15) = Sutherland vs Goold

Game 3 ($15) = Hawco vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 4 ($15) = Gardner vs Mantha

Game 5 ($15) = Madden vs Chenier


Dec 3 - Round 2 - Week 2

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Mann

Game 2 ($15) = O'Bright vs Gardner

Game 3 ($15) = Sutherland vs Mantha

Game 4 ($15) = Madden vs Goold

Game 5 ($15) = Chenier vs Hawco


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Van Dine vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 2 ($15) = Rajala vs Bugg

Game 3 ($15) = Marshall vs Daly

Game 4 ($15) = Lewis vs Thorne

Game 5 ($15) = Michaud vs Blad



Welcome to Round 2 for the Tuesday Night Cash League.  We have 20 teams split into two divisions with draw times of 5pm and 7pm. We will use the ladder format with all wins in weeks 1, 2, and 3 worth $15, and for weeks 4-8, wins in Games 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will be worth $50, $40, $30, $20 and $15 respectively.  At the end of Round 2, the bottom 2 teams from A will move down and the top 2 teams from B will move up.


Nov 26 - Round 2 - Week 1

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Van Dine vs Daly

Game 2 ($15) = Lewis vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 3 ($15) = Thorne vs Rajala

Game 4 ($15) = Michaud vs Bugg

Game 5 ($15) = Marshall vs Blad


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Mantha vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 2 ($15) = Madden vs Mann

Game 3 ($15) = Goold vs O'Bright

Game 4 ($15) = Gardner vs Chenier

Game 5 ($15) = Hawco vs Sutherland


Nov 19 - Week 8

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Daly vs O'Bright

Game 2 ($40) = Sutherland vs Madden

Game 3 ($30) = Mantha vs Marshall

Game 4 ($20) = Chenier vs Mann

Game 5 ($15) = Gardner vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lewis vs Blad

Game 2 ($40) = Michaud vs Bugg

Game 3 ($30) = Van Dine vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 4 ($20) = Rajala vs Hawco

Game 5 ($15) = Thorne vs Goold


Nov 12 - Week 7

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Lewis

Game 2 ($40) = Rajala vs Blad

Game 3 ($30) = Hawco vs Michaud

Game 4 ($20) = Bugg vs Thorne

Game 5 ($15) = Van Dine vs Goold


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Marshall vs Daly

Game 2 ($40) = O'Bright vs Chenier

Game 3 ($30) = Sutherland vs Mann

Game 4 ($20) = Madden vs Gardner

Game 5 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Mantha


Nov 5 - Week 6

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Mann vs Marshall

Game 2 ($40) = Daly vs Madden

Game 3 ($30) = Gardner vs O'Bright

Game 4 ($20) = Chenier vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 5 ($15) = Mantha vs Sutherland


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Michaud

Game 2 ($40) = Lewis vs Bugg

Game 3 ($30) = Thorne vs Rajala

Game 4 ($20) = Blad vs Van Dine

Game 5 ($15) = Goold vs Hawco


Oct 29 - Week 5

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Rajala

Game 2 ($40) = Blad vs Michaud

Game 3 ($30) = Van Dine vs Lewis

Game 4 ($20) = Bugg vs Goold

Game 5 ($15) = Thorne vs Hawco


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Mann vs O'Bright

Game 2 ($40) = Chenier vs Marshall

Game 3 ($30) = Lewis-Beavis vs Daly

Game 4 ($20) = Madden vs Mantha

Game 5 ($15) = Sutherland vs Gardner


Oct 22 - Week 4

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($50) = Daly vs Mann

Game 2 ($40) = Madden vs O'Bright

Game 3 ($30) = Chenier vs Mantha

Game 4 ($20) = Sutherland vs Marshall

Game 5 ($15) = Gardner vs Lewis-Beavis


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($50) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Lewis

Game 2 ($40) = Bugg vs Rajala

Game 3 ($30) = Blad vs Goold

Game 4 ($20) = Michaud vs Thorne

Game 5 ($15) = Hawco vs Van Dine


Oct 15 - Week 3

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Goold

Game 2 ($15) = Lewis vs Michaud

Game 3 ($15) = Thorne vs Bugg

Game 4 ($15) = Rajala vs Hawco

Game 5 ($15) = Blad vs Van Dine


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Daly vs Mantha

Game 2 ($15) = Mann vs Sutherland

Game 3 ($15) = Marshall vs Madden

Game 4 ($15) = Gardner vs O'Bright

Game 5 ($15) = Lewis-Beavis vs Chenier


Oct 8 - Week 2

5:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Madden vs Daly

Game 2 ($15) = Mantha vs Gardner

Game 3 ($15) = O'Bright vs Mann

Game 4 ($15) = Sutherland vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 5 ($15) = Chenier vs Marshall


7:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lyon-Hatcher vs Bugg

Game 2 ($15) = Goold vs Rajala

Game 3 ($15) = Hawco vs Lewis

Game 4 ($15) = Michaud vs Blad

Game 5 ($15) = Thorne vs Van Dine


Welcome to another Tuesday Night Cash League.  We have 20 teams split into two divisions with draw times of 5pm and 7pm. We will use the ladder format with all wins in weeks 1, 2, and 3 worth $15, and for weeks 4-8, wins in Games 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will be worth $50, $40, $30, $20 and $15 respectively.  At the end of Round 1, the bottom 2 teams from A will move down and the top 2 teams from B will move up.


Week 1

5:00pm - A division

Game 1 ($15) = Lewis vs Lyon-Hatcher

Game 2 ($15) = Michaud vs Bugg

Game 3 ($15) = Blad vs Goold

Game 4 ($15) = Thorne vs Rajala

Game 5 ($15) = Van Dine vs Hawco


7:00pm - B division

Game 1 ($15) = Mann vs Madden

Game 2 ($15) = Daly vs Sutherland

Game 3 ($15) = Mantha vs Lewis-Beavis

Game 4 ($15) = Chenier vs Gardner

Game 5 ($15) = O'Bright vs Marshall


We will be using the No Tick rule.

No Tick Rule from the World Curling site – Rules of Curling, July 2024:

If, prior to the delivery of the sixth stone of an end, a delivered stone causes either directly or indirectly, an opposition stone in the Free Guard Zone (FGZ) which is touching the centre line to be moved to an off-centre line position or to a position outside the FGZ, the non-offending team has the option to: (i) Remove the delivered stone from play, and replace all stones that were displaced to their positions prior to the violation taking place; or (ii) Leave all stones where they came to rest. If the stone is moved from the centre line to an out-of-play position, then the FGZ rule  applies.


We need to be off the ice by 9pm, so the time rule will be in effect. At 6:30pm for the 5pm draw and 8:30pm for the 7pm draw, finish the end you are in and play one more end.  If the game is tied, have one player on each team throw one draw (with sweeping) to the button, with closest getting the win.  You can't sweep the other teams rock.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know at [email protected]


Day Recap - March 11

On Fire!
Back On Track!