Registration News

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Our deadline for returning teams has passed and thank you to all those who have registered. Please do keep in mind that the deadline for all returning members to pay is June 30th at midnight, to avoid the late fee of $100.

We are still looking for Ladies teams on Monday nights & Tuesday Cash teams. We are full for Wednesday Mixed, Thursday Cash, Thursday Men and Friday Open. 

Do not forget to sign your e-waiver, here is the link: 

Adult (26 years and over):
Adult (ages 18 to 25):
Youth (under age 18):
Coach (Rowan’s Law): 
Curling Canada Helmet Waiver (12 yrs - 18 yrs):




Registration Deadline

Good day Rideau Members!!

A small reminder that Friday May 31st is the deadline for all returning teams to reserve their spot. There must be at least 2 fully paid members of each returning team in order to secure your spot for your desired league. 

Sunday June 30th is the deadline for all returning members to pay in order to save yourself the late fee of $100, which will take effect at midnight on July 1st. 

We hope you have a great summer, have fun and be safe. 


Annual Spring Meeting - April 30, 2024

With the 2024 ASM fast approaching (Tuesday, April 30th at 7:00pm), here are links to important documents for this year's meeting:

ASM Director Reports New Bylaw Package Draft Updated RCC Bylaws


Club Champions

The 2023-24 season has come to an end and Club Champions have been named. Congratulations to Team Lyon-Hatcher from Tuesday night Cash. 

Reminder: Registration for the 2024-25 season will open on April 22, 2024 for returning members to secure their spot!

Brian Lewis (spare), Brett Lyon-Hatcher (skip), Chris Lewis (lead), Pascal Michaud (third),  Ben Miskew (second), and the club's acting-president, Alex Smith

Coming up!!!

Good day Rideau Members,

This is the last week of league play, please keep in mind that the Thursday Cash League and the Men's League will be playing back to back evenings this week on Wednesday March 27th and Thursday March 28th to finish their season. 

Then we go into the Easter break and come back to the Club Championships starting on Tuesday April 2nd. 

We are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Night on Saturday April 6th immediately following the Club Championship finale. So come out and support the teams who will be playing and enjoy some light snacks while chasing them down with a $5 drink. Yes you read correctly , all drinks on Saturday April 6th will be $5. 

10 Cent Wings band will also be playing starting at 7pm, so come dance the night away and finish the season on a strong note. 

Club Championships & Volunteer Appreciation Night

Good day Rideau Members...

We are fast approaching the end of the curling season which also means the Club Championships. The playoffs will start the week of April 2nd, upon your return from Easter weekend. 

If your team is in the hunt for the playoffs, please let your league convenor know that your team is interested in playing. 

The Club Championship Finale will be played on Saturday April 6th, please come out and support the league champs that day. That evening, we will also be hosting a volunteer appreciation night wiith food and cheap drinks as well the band 10 Cent Wings. It will definitely be a party you won't want to miss. 


Practice Ice - Sunday January 7th, 2024

Practice Ice availability for this Sunday is open, we ask that in order to guarantee yourself a time to practice that you send an email to [email protected] to secure your 30minutes. 

This is still the sign up only practice ice, please send me an email.




We will be celebrating Team Rajala on their World Senior Championship on Saturday October 14th

Come out and celebrate Howard, Rich, Chris, Paul and Phil on Saturday October 14th as the 2023 World Senior Men's Champions. 

Doors open at 6:00pm, we will be serving hors d'oeuvres and The Remainders will also be performing. 


Registration Reminder

These cold nights are giving us fall vibes. While the summer may not be over yet, it is time to regsiter for another season at the Rideau!

Please remember that all curlers need to submit their Smart Waiver forms. Unfortunately, you will not be permitted on the ice until you do so make sure to get your forms in! You can access the forms by selecting one of the categories below:

Adult (Age 26+) Adult (Ages 18 to 25) Youth (Under Age 18) Coach (Rowan's Law)


New Member Recruitment

The best way for our Club to remain healthy and vibrant, is to have full curling programs!  Our Learn-To-Curl and Youth Programs are full, which bodes well for the future, but our day and evening programs weren’t full last season. The Board has received some suggestions from the Day Curlers that we will be considering over the summer, but we would also like to brainstorm how to best fill our night leagues.

If you have any specific suggestions to share, or would like to participate in this brainstorming session, please reach out to Phil Dunville, Director – Curling Programs, at [email protected].

Annual Spring Meeting

Please join us on Wednesday, April 26th at 7 PM for our Annual Spring Meeting. 

For more information on what will be covered, you can find the ASM package here.