Hello Thursday Cashiers,


Welcome to the 2024/25 season. The league is full, so we will be playing a 24 game round robin. We have some new teams, including one who is new to the club, so welcome, Adam Lee and team. 

This is a cash league. Each game is worth $25 for a win, or $12.50 each for a tie.


A few housekeeping items:


1. Since this is a round robin, we do not break ties. If your game ends in a tie, could the two skips ensure that one of you posts the result.


2. For the most part, teams have been good about posting their results. If a score isn't posted, I will give one reminder before posting it as a tie game. In such a circumstance I am, however, open to bribery - a single malt whisky will usually do the trick. 


3. We must be off the ice by 7 p.m. without fail. This rule is in place to save me from personal abuse from the Thursday Men's league. Accordingly, you may not start an end after 6:40. The clock on the far wall of the ice shed is the official clock for this purpose.


4. Note: In prevous years we allowed teams to play a half-end (1 rock per player with special rules), starting between 6:40 and 6:45. I personally liked this but it did not meet with universal approval, so we will not do that this year.


5. Also in previous years I encouraged teams to allow their opposition to start a game with two players if one player is missing because of covid. Although this was merely a suggestion it too caused some consternation, and so I am not making the same suggestion this year. The normal default rules apply unless the non-offending team offers to waive them.


6. We are a cash league, so we will mirror the Tuesday Cash league in applying the "no tick" rule. As with all the rules of the game, I expect you to self-enforce this rule in the spirit of sportsmanship. I am not available during the game to adjudicate disputes. 


I welcome questions, comments, complaints, and suggestions for improvement. (Any help with my out-turn release would be appreciated.) Please feel free to talk to me after the game, or send me an email at [email protected] and I will respond quickly.


Cheers, and good curling,

Dave Van Dine 


P.S. I case anyone is wondering, the assignment of team numbers for the draw was random, with the exception that I placed my team at the bottom, out of an excessive degree of false modesty.



Upcoming games - October 24

#5 - Taylor #9 - Hawco 05:00 PM Sheet 1
#4 - Conway Onfire #10 - Van Dine 05:00 PM Sheet 2
#1 - Johansen #7 - Watson 05:00 PM Sheet 3
#6 - Waddell #8 - Lee 05:00 PM Sheet 4
#3 - Sangster #2 - Fujimoto 05:00 PM Sheet 5

Day Recap - October 17

On Fire!