
If you have already been a member in the past, please sign in. Otherwise, enter your information below:

Emergency Contact Information

Membership Type *
Please select a sub-category. *
Please select a sub-category. *
League Selection
Team Players

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Team Players * (please check at least one option)

Pleaser enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Team Members

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Team Members

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Team Members

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Team Members

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

* (please check at least one option)
Team Members

Please enter the names of your team members. If you are unsure of a player, enter TBD.

Equipment (until August 1st)

Don’t worry about trying to find equipment after the season starts. Head over to for all of your equipment needs! Need a new gripper? Order it below!

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

The Rideau is pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities for businesses. If you or your company is interested, please see our Sponsorship Package for more information. Thank you for your support!

Consent to Release Information * (please check at least one option)

I hereby consent to the use of the personal information provided above by the Club administration. Only my name, phone numbers and e-mail address will be listed in the membership directory and/or website for general member use. This information is intended for the sole use of Club and will not be shared outside the Club. Membership and personal information which is collected by the Rideau Curling Club will be protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Accuracy Confirmation * (please check at least one option)

I hereby confirm that the information I have entered on this form is correct and true. I understand that if I have intentionally entered false information in this form to receive discounts that do not apply to me there will be a $25 administration charge on top of the outstanding membership dues owed.

Injury Waiver Forms * (please check at least one option)

I hereby acknowledge that I will NOT be able to engage in any on ice activities until my Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims form has been signed and submitted. Failure to submit this form will result in my exclusion from participating in my regularly scheduled leagues until the Club receives my forms.

Please select the following link(s) to access the applicable form(s):

       Adult (Ages 26+)

       Adult (Ages 18 to 25)

       Youth (Under Age 18)

       Coach (Rowan’s Law)
